Sunday, October 28, 2012

Too Much to Choose From...

Have you ever had those moments in life where you can't decide what to do with yourself, because there are too many options? That's how I feel right now. There are so many things I want to do, so many things that I would love to learn to do, and so many other things that I would like to be able to say that I've done.

I have typically been the kind of person who would rather stand back and watch, then be in the spotlight, except when it came to dancing of course, but I have recently decided that I would like my turn to experience life, and find the freedom in pursuing a few of my dreams. I have so many!

The only problem with this way of thinking, is my timing. I just became a Mother less than a year ago, and my husband just went back to school. Time and money are not exactly things I have in abundance right now. But, I am still trying to pursue one or two of my passions. For instance, I have discovered that I have a love of writing. I enjoy putting pen on paper, or in this case letters on a computer screen, in a way that is witty and enjoyable to all who read those words. In light of this new found love of writing, I have started to write a children's book. I hope to publish it one day, and be able to say, "hey! I wrote that!"

I am still trying to decide which other passions to pursue, but am working at the ones I can do with my son in tow, and in the comfort of my own home.

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