Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life as of Late

Sorry so long since our last post! Not having internet makes it hard to post frequently.

Baby update: We are having a boy! We found out in September and we could not be happier that we are having a son. :) He is healthy, and growing right on track. I have been healthy as well. I am very grateful that this pregnancy has gone so smoothly, and I hope it continues to go smoothly for the sake of my sanity, and the health of our baby. I will post ultrasound pics at some point; I just need to figure out how to scan them in to the computer. ;)

As far as names go, we like Nathan Edward Methot, (giving him Vince's middle name) or Nathaniel Edward Methot. We are open to others, but this is one of the only ones we have been able to agree on. ;)

At my next appointment, they are performing the glucose test. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to this appointment, and quite frankly, it is making me anxious. I have always struggled with things don't taste good. I am not the type to just eat it despite the taste. If it doesn't taste good, it's not going in my mouth. You can see why I might be nervous about said upcoming test... I was wondering if there is any alternative to this test? Or if this test is necessary? I would love to avoid it if possible... Then again, tons of pregnant women have had to do the same test, and have come out fine, so maybe I just need to "man" up (for lack of a better phrase) and deal with it.

I am currently 26 weeks along, and it is very obvious I am pregnant. :) My husband thinks its cute. I roll my eyes and make a bloated monkey face, cause that's how I feel. But fear not! For this too shall pass!

You know that feeling you get right before you sit down in the dentist's chair? That one you get when the dental hygenist says, "let's just get you some novacain and we'll get started." Novacain?! What?! No one told me about this!!! Enter panic, and that feeling of the floor being ripped out from underneath you. Not to mention the fact that your heart has begun to pound so fast, you feel as though you have just run a marathon, and you are hyperventallating. Now, picture feeling like this non-stop for a good 5 to 10 minutes. This is what a panic attack feels like for me.

I have also described that I sometimes feel "anxious." There is a definite difference between anxious and nervous. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? One that goes uphill really fast, and as you fly over the top of the hill, you feel like you've left your stomach at the top of it? Everything returns to normal once you get off the ride however, and sometimes sooner. This is what feeling anxious is like. It can last for long periods of time, (days or even weeks) or can last a matter of moments until I can master myself.

I am scared out of my wits about labor and childbirth. Plain and simple. It also makes me anxious. That said, please refrain from telling me horror stories!!! I do NOT want to know! I would rather be blissfully ignorant and have my own "horror story" to tell after our baby gets here. Horror stories will only make my anxiety worse, and therefore, make me miserable.

On a happier note, it looks like we have a house in Georgia!!! :D The seller accepted our offer as of this afternoon, and we have 10 days to get the house inspected. If anything comes up in the inspection then we can resind the offer. It is the cutest little house!!! :) It is a 3 bedroom house with an upstairs and downstairs, and a beautiful backyard. We are so excited!!! :D

That is life as of late!